About Carmen (简介自己)

I am original from Shantou, in the Guangdong Province China. I have been living in London since 2008.

Our family lives in St John’s Wood of North West London. I am a British Council Certified Education Consultant, as well as an Office Manager working in Fitzrovia helping Chinese students to study in the UK. The website is about things I love doing and have a passion about.

Any recipes I share here will be easy and quick and can be made within 30 minutes time frame.

我全名叫许佳敏,大家都叫我卡门或是小佳。我来自中国广东汕头。我从2008年就定居在伦敦,所以我自称是伦敦的汕头妹。我之前的网站 carmenxu.com 在2013年生完我女儿之后就没时间继续博客下去。我们家住在伦敦西北部 St John’s Wood, 就在摄政公园边。我现是一个英国文化教育局认证的咨询招生主管兼办公室主任,帮助国内或是亚洲的孩子们来英国读书。网站分享我的兴趣爱好,博客里面的菜谱也是30分钟简单易做的菜,我家相公是素食者,所以住家常菜要健康快捷才行。希望一起分享交流大家的生活点滴,记得有空来网站踩一踩哦。

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