Food Food Recipe

Easy and Quick Chicken Curry Katsu 日本咖喱鸡趴


  1. 2 pieces of chicken breasts or legs (traditionally is better to use pork chop, but chicken is healthier)
  2. 60g-100g Japanese panko
  3. 1 egg
  4. 3 big spoons of flour
  5. Easy Katsu sauce or any Japanese Curry sauce cubes (I have all tasted them, and they are pretty good, easy and tasty)


  1. 2片鸡胸肉/去骨的鸡腿肉
  2. 日本的面包糠
  3. 1个鸡蛋🥚
  4. 3汤勺的面粉
  5. 超市容易买到的Katsu咖喱酱,或是日本牌子的咖喱酱

How to Cook:

  • First cut the chicken breast in half, I use knife quickly slice on the surface – just few slices and season salt and pepper on top each side. Two chicken breasts will become four thin chicken breasts. (It will cook easily too)
  • Do the coating: coat each chicken piece in the flour and shake off any excess flour, then dip into the beating egg mix and then coating with the Japanese panko, and make sure all the chicken surface all coating with panko.
  • Pour some sunflower oil into the frying pan – around 6 big spoons, in medium heat. Wait for 2 minutes when the oil is heated, then put all the coating chicken into the frying pan. Normally I can do 2-3 pieces at once time.
  • When they cook around 2-3 minutes then flip into another side for 2-3 minutes.
  • When the chicken is firm and panko looks brown, you know it cooked.
  • Heat up the Katsu sauce and some vegetable and serve with rice. Simple and easy. (if you are using the Japanese curry sauce, just use one cube, then put 300ml (1/2 cup) water into boil, then put the cube in and keep stirring until it is all dissolving into sauce; if you need to add more water, please do so. )


  • 先把1片鸡胸肉/鸡腿肉切成2小片,假如家里有锤子可以锤下鸡胸肉,这样容易煎也容易熟;没有锤子的话可以在鸡胸上面切几小刀,然后调味,下盐🧂下胡椒 -两边都要调味哦。
  • 鸡肉沾点面粉,不要太多,然后沾下鸡蛋汁,最后沾日本的面包糠,记得两面都沾均匀就可以啦。
  • 中火,下6汤勺的油,油下后等2分钟就可以煎啦。两面都煎2-3分钟,因为我们切小块,很容易熟的。面包糠变成金黄色就可以啦。
  • 最后把咖喱酱汁煮熟,煮点蔬菜🥬配饭,就可以啦。假如你是用日本咖喱酱汁的,倒300ml (1/2) 杯水煮开,然后把日本咖喱块 – 1块放入水中,搅拌煮成汁就可以啦。简单30分钟日本咖喱鸡饭就可以吃。

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